Our Mission & Vision
To become a revered institution while grooming the child of today to be a capable, responsible, performing citizen and enabling growth holistically by creating a mature learning environment with the teaching and parental community at large.
National Institute of Open Schooling
We are providing OBE Programme of NIOS for dropout students for class 3, 5 & 8
Central Scholarship Scheme
Our minority students getting central govt scholarship from Ministry of Minority Affairs.
Basic Education
We are English Medium affiliated school by Basic Shiksha Parishad Lucknow and following New Education Policy of Govt.
Social Welfare
Our School providing free of cost education for financially weak students from our own resources.
Right To Education (RTE)
We have reserved our 25% Seat for financially weak students under RTE.
Focus on Education
Education gives a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life.
let's Stand Together
Become A Volunteer
If you want to do something for poor & needy students who are financially weak, dropout students, not able to afford expenses of education than you can donate us and can do something for society. your Rs 100 or more can build future of a needy child.

If you have any complain regarding student’s work, copy checking, incomplete work, student’s performance, teachers related issues etc can mention here in complain box with complete details.